• Edward Wechner's patents

    My husband Edward Wechner's work - 2011 version.....

  • Chainless Biycle

    Edward 愛看Tour d' France, 每次看到看到那些賽手因為 jamming the chain, 而lose the race又或跌倒甚至傷得很重! 這是他自此而很大願望設計出一款比chain drive 鏈條單車更可reliability賴性, 更安全safety, without losing performance and without increasing the weight of the bicycle, but also inprove the efficiency...

  • Trench Casting Machine

    It does dig a trench 300mm wide and 6000mm deep and fills it with concrete simultaneously at an advance rate of 20m/hour....

  • 歐洲之旅, 第13天, 奧地利

    早上起來, 我們想再去 Buch 探 Heini, 因為 Heini 個仔 Simon 會回來 Buch. 於是我們由Lans 出發, 開去 Buch ...

  • 歐洲之旅, 第12天, 奧地利

    早上起來, 已是下雨天, 但是已到了 Fussen 了, 硬著頭皮都要去廸士尼用它做LOGO的 Schloss Neuschwanstein 天鵝城堡....

  • 歐洲之旅, 第7天, 瑞士, 德國 – part 2

    Rhine falls, 真是印象深刻和很壯觀. 玩完後, 我們驅車前往 Schaffhausen : Schaffhausen (German: Schaffhausen (help·info)) is a city in northern Switzerland and the capital of the canton of the same name; it has an estimated population of 34,587 as of December 2008....

  • 瑞士, 德國 – part 1

    早上起來, 車開出Zurich 市區, 再開去 Winterthur, Winterthur (pronounced: Ger. /ˈvɪntɐtu:ɐ̯ /, Eng. /ˈvɪntərtʊər/) is a city in the canton of Zurich in northern Switzerland. It has the country's sixth largest population with an estimate of more than 100,000 people. In the local dialect and by its inhabitants, ...

歐洲之旅, 第12天, 德國, 奧地利


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28th Aug., 2009 –the 12nd day - Fussen (Schloss Neuschwanstein) > Fernpass (Austria) > Kronburg > Zams > Innsbruck > Lans

早上起來, 已是下雨天, 但是已到了 Fussen 了,  硬著頭皮都要去廸士尼用它做LOGO的 Schloss Neuschwanstein 天鵝城堡. 



Standing in sharp contrast to the bustling metropolises of Germany, Fussen Germany is a remarkable town nestled at the foot of the Bavarian Alps. Despite the town"s comparatively small size--14,357--Fussen tourism is quite strong because of its amazing vistas and the remarkable historic attractions nearby. Two historic castles are also located nearby--Hohenschwangau and Neuschwanstein Fussen Germany.

Fussen is the highest town in Bavaria, sitting at a lofty 808 meters (2,650 feet) above sea level. The river Lech, originating in Austria, flows through Fussen and adds further magic to the mountain town.

Neuschwanstein Castle:


Schloss Neuschwanstein ("New Swan Stone Castle") is one of the most beautiful and famous castles in Germany. Originally ordered to be built by King Ludwig II, this fairy tale castle is the epitome of neo-romantic style. The famous German castle overlooks the picturesque Hohenschwangau valley and is located only a short distance from the popular tourist town, Fussen.

我們到了天鵝城堡山下,  原來是不準開車上的, 只可以坐當地的巴士和馬車上的, 當然要買票付錢的.  我們的車只開到一間酒店的紀念品商店!  便要回駛了, 一眼看到對面山有一坐城堡:

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回到停車處, 已經下大雨了, 而等待售票的人是大長龍!!  於是我們決定不去看城堡了.  只在山下拍幾張相算了:

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Fussen 的街景:

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在 Fussen 的一條瀑布:

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在歐洲有很多古舊破壞的古堡, 因為維修費用高,  所以如果私人古堡沒有人去做維修的, 也只能掉空, 任由風吹雨打了.

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Lake Blindsee 有個停車售買店, 有飲料, 精品和水晶可以買到:


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Lake Blindsee > Fernpass >  Lake Fernsteinsee > Hotel Schloss Fernsteinsee ( Fernsteinsee castle) map:


Hotel Schloss Fernsteinsee ( Fernsteinsee castle):

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在Hotel Schloss Fernsteinsee ( Fernsteinsee castle) 對面馬路上, 有間 Hotel Schloss Fernsteinsee cafe restaurant 應該是同一公司吧, 內設有共公厠所, 是用售票機的.  Cafe 除了有食物和飲料外, 還有很多精品和水晶出售:

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Lake Fernstein, 就在Hotel Schloss Fernsteinsee 對面, 那天我們看到有人在潛水:

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Hotel Schloss Fernsteinsee Brochure:

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開去Kronburg 一路上風景:

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Kronburg castle history:


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開車上山, 一路上都有這種聖碑, 大概一條路就會見到一個, 我數過, 由山下至山上那座教堂, 好像是一共12個:

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山上有一教堂, 不過, 其實這只不過是開車的終站, 再下來便是自己要走上山頂看看這個破爛的古堡了, 為什麼要去這爛古堡?  因為這是EDWARD 小時候, 第一次跟學校去旅行, 就是來這裡了:

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教堂再上, 看到兩戶人家, 還有一大噴泉 :

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上到山上,  向山下望, 風景很美:

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上到古堡,  所有牆都是破爛的, 主大樓是關上的, 只能在外拍照:

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落山了, 又回到教堂, 遇上了穿著傳統服裝的少女來參加婚禮外, 還看到了一隻羚羊:

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開車離開了, 一路仍可看到山上的古堡:

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在Zams 這間Hotel 竟然用了Edward 媽媽的名:  Pension Haueis

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在 Zams 看到另一 古堡: 


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Edward 的中學:

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又看到了Kronburg 古堡:

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餓了, 去到一間好大的 highway rest station – Trofana Tyrol, 內有好幾間餐廳, 紀念品店, 超市等:

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竟然發現內有一間小食品工場,  一間小玻璃房間內掛滿了很多風乾牛/豬肉, 讓你參觀: 

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我們開去 Innsbruck, 一路上風景:

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去到Innsbruck, Ulf 給我看他的木雕 :

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去到 Lans :

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Wilma & Molly ( Ulf’s dog)

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Pls CLICK HERE to see the photo slideshow

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