• Edward Wechner's patents

    My husband Edward Wechner's work - 2011 version.....

  • Chainless Biycle

    Edward 愛看Tour d' France, 每次看到看到那些賽手因為 jamming the chain, 而lose the race又或跌倒甚至傷得很重! 這是他自此而很大願望設計出一款比chain drive 鏈條單車更可reliability賴性, 更安全safety, without losing performance and without increasing the weight of the bicycle, but also inprove the efficiency...

  • Trench Casting Machine

    It does dig a trench 300mm wide and 6000mm deep and fills it with concrete simultaneously at an advance rate of 20m/hour....

  • 歐洲之旅, 第13天, 奧地利

    早上起來, 我們想再去 Buch 探 Heini, 因為 Heini 個仔 Simon 會回來 Buch. 於是我們由Lans 出發, 開去 Buch ...

  • 歐洲之旅, 第12天, 奧地利

    早上起來, 已是下雨天, 但是已到了 Fussen 了, 硬著頭皮都要去廸士尼用它做LOGO的 Schloss Neuschwanstein 天鵝城堡....

  • 歐洲之旅, 第7天, 瑞士, 德國 – part 2

    Rhine falls, 真是印象深刻和很壯觀. 玩完後, 我們驅車前往 Schaffhausen : Schaffhausen (German: Schaffhausen (help·info)) is a city in northern Switzerland and the capital of the canton of the same name; it has an estimated population of 34,587 as of December 2008....

  • 瑞士, 德國 – part 1

    早上起來, 車開出Zurich 市區, 再開去 Winterthur, Winterthur (pronounced: Ger. /ˈvɪntɐtu:ɐ̯ /, Eng. /ˈvɪntərtʊər/) is a city in the canton of Zurich in northern Switzerland. It has the country's sixth largest population with an estimate of more than 100,000 people. In the local dialect and by its inhabitants, ...

歐洲之旅-第7天, 瑞士, 德國 – part 2

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23rd Aug., 2009 – the 7th day – Zurich > Winterthur > Rhine falls > Schaffhausen > Lindau (Germany)

Rhine falls, 真是印象深刻和很壯觀.  玩完後, 我們驅車前往 Schaffhausen :

Schaffhausen (German: About this sound Schaffhausen (help·info)) is a city in northern Switzerland and the capital of the canton of the same name; it has an estimated population of 34,587 as of December 2008

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繼續前往德國Lake Constance & Lindau :


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途中去下super market (Migros) 買吓東西和吃午餐, 原來 Migros 是大型聯營的百貨商場.  商場內有超市, 有時裝, 運動, 文教等商店, 有專給小孩玩耍尊區,  有好美味的自助餐廳:

超市(拍拍下, 竟然有人走來禁止我影相!):

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以下的手推購物車, 設計真是好啊!  小孩子坐在車內, 幾好玩:

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自助餐廳, 即是入場後任挑食物, 食品多樣化, 有粉麵飯, 麵包, 西餅, 水果.......   挑好後到收銀處付款.

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過瑞士和德國邊境海關, 直過, 沒有折停驗查:

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開去德國 Lake Constance, 在途中遠遠看似是一個石山頭, 原來是將極個山頭建的一個極舊的堡壘:

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看到這些橋, 我記起在澳洲看過, 我那時已問為什麼起橋卻在上面種滿樹?  那時Edward 解釋說, 因為起公路, 很多動物為了跨過公路回家而被車死.  經研究發現建這些橋, 動物會學會由橋上過經公路回家.  

不過, Edward 講這個知識澳洲都是仿傚歐洲的.

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德國 Lake Constance:

Lake Constance (German: Bodensee) is a lake on the Rhine at the northern foot of the Alps, and consists of three bodies of water: the Obersee ("upper lake"), the Untersee ("lower lake"), and a connecting stretch of the Rhine, called the Seerhein.

The lake is situated in Germany, Switzerland and Austria near the Alps. Specifically, its shorelines lie in the German federal-states of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, the Austrian federal-state ofVorarlberg, and the Swiss cantons of Thurgau and St. Gallen. The Rhine flows into it from the south following the Austro-Swiss frontier. It is approximately located at 47°39′N 9°19′E.

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來這裡是因為我們極想去看飛船博物館  Zeppelin Musium, 正在到處找尋的時候, 竟看到了Zeppelin的紀念碑.  因為Zeppelin 是出生於此, 所以到處都看到紀念他和飛船的裝飾:


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information centre:

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找到Zeppelin Musium 了, 可惜已經6時, 已經關門了, 明天請早!

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在博物館門口遇見 這個湖去奧地利的渡輪:


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因為Zeppelin Musium 已關, 我們只好開去 Lindau, 途中風景:


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這是潮嗎??  因為右腳有紋身, 所以要拉起右腳褲管來秀一下嗎?

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到了Lindau :

Lindau is a Bavarian town and an island in the eastern part of the Lake Constance, the Bodensee. It is the capital of the Landkreis or rural district of Lindau. The historic city of Lindau is located on an 0.68-square-kilometre (0.26 sq mi) island which is connected with the mainland by bridge and railway.

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先入住5星酒店 (歐洲酒店大部份都是兩張床拼在一起的):

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Lindau 的港口, 景色真美, 因為我們到達時剛好是黃昏, 天空是蔚藍, 而天空與山的邊界是粉紅色的, 整體配合就是很浪漫:


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下燈塔後, 仍猛拍:

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Lindau 港口的歷史:

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Lindau brochure:


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