24th Aug., 2009 – the 8th day – Lindau (Germany) > Bregenz(Austria) > Kempten (Germany)
早上, 我們離開 Lindau 港口,
Lindau 港口開車離開這小島時, 看到街道旁建有 圍牆, 圍牆內是住屋.
開去 Bregenz :
Bregenz is the capital of Vorarlberg, the westernmost federal state of Austria. The city is located on the eastern shores of Lake Constance, the third-largest freshwater lake in Central Europe, between Switzerland in the west and Germany in the northwest.
The city is situated on a plateau falling in a series of terraces to the lake at the foot of Pfänder mountain. It is a junction of the arterial roads from the Rhine valley to the German Alpine foothills, with cruise ship services on Lake Constance.
Bregenz is twinned with Bangor in Northern Ireland, and various exchange trips take place between the two places. Another twin town is Acre in Israel.
It is especially famous for the annual summer music festival Bregenzer Festspiele.
因為Lindau 與 Bregenz 相隔不遠, 又是在 Lake Constance 上, 只是因為 Lake Constance 分屬3個國家 (德國, 奧地利和瑞士). 而Lindau是屬德國, Bregenz是屬奧地利.
在 Bregenz 的 Lake Constance 有一大遊艇, 內有很多遊樂節目和娛樂表現, 還有美酒自助餐:
這個有123年歷史, 1887年建的3合一儀器: Barometer ( measure atmospheric pressure), Hygrometer (measure humidity) & Thermometer (measure temperature), 除此之外, 它還告之你方向和其他地方的方向.
Lake Constance 的湖上風光:
去到目的地, Bregenz 的 music festival Bregenzer Festspiele., 音樂大舞台就是建在 Lake Constance 之上. 奧地利最出名的就是歌劇了, 由PETER介紹, 他叫我們一定要去看大藍腳板, 也真沒使我們失望:
之前, 每年做過不同的劇目的舊照:
這是小型發電站, 那天湖上有大型表演, 所以要用這部機:
在一間超市, 看到了環保回收箱:
第一個回收長方機器, 是回收可再用的玻璃樽(下圖再說明之). 第2個海豚回收箱是回收透明玻璃樽. 第3個青蛙回收箱是回收 Tin can 錫罐. 第4個海豚回收箱是回收有色玻璃樽. 第四個是明顯是報紙收集箱了.
回收可再用的玻璃樽機器: 上面那個圓黑色的地方是放一隻樽的. 下面四方黑色的地方是放整範回收樽的. 可以拿回退樽錢的. 而指出說明招紙, 指出你必須打開膠樽塞, " RICHTIG – means right” 即要如圖打開塞盍. "FALSCH – means wrong” 即如圖般沒有打開樽盍是錯的.
購物手推車都要先付錢租用, 用完退還時, 那個小錢幣便退還給你:
午餐, 吃炒飯:
開去德國Kempten 途上, 目的是探親( Edward 前妻的大嫂 Sonja):
拍了到很多屋的屋頂都裝用了Solar panels 去節能, 而大部份屋的外牆會用 wooden shingles, 用nail 一片疊一片overlapping 的去砌成外牆, 是可以防雨防雪的.
到了 Kempten
"Kempten im Allgäu is the largest city in Allgäu, a region in the south-west of Bavaria, Germany. Population was c. 61,000 in 2006. The area was possibly settled originally by Celts, but was later overtaken by the Romans, who called the town Cambodunum. Archaeologists consider Kempten one of the oldest urban settlements in Germany.
Sonja 家附近的教堂:
Baroque St. Lorenz Basilica:
Kempten 街景:
晚上跟 Sonja 一家, Daniela, Anton, their kids Tobias and Jasmine晚飯:
pls CLICK HERE to see the photo slideshow:
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