23rd Aug., 2009, the 7th day – Zurich (Switzerland)> Winterthur (Switzerland) > Schaffhausen (Switzerland) > Lindau (Germany)
早上起來, 車開出Zurich 市區, 再開去 Winterthur,
Winterthur (pronounced: Ger. /ˈvɪntɐtu:ɐ̯ /, Eng. /ˈvɪntərtʊər/) is a city in the canton of Zurich in northern Switzerland. It has the country's sixth largest population with an estimate of more than 100,000 people. In the local dialect and by its inhabitants, it is usually abbreviated to Winti. Today Winterthur is a service and high tech industry centre, but many people make use of its proximity to Zürich, which lies approximately 19 miles (31 km) to the south-east, and only 18 minutes by train.
Winterthur is connected to Germany and Italy by direct trains and enjoys excellent links to Zurich Airport. It is also a regional transportation hub: the A1 motorway from Geneva through to St. Margrethen connects in Winterthur with the A4 motorway heading north toward Schaffhausen and the A7 motorway heading close to the Swiss-German border at Kreuzlingen. There are also roads leading to other places such as Turbenthal. The Station of Winterthur is one of the highest frequented Stations of Switzerland. FC Winterthur is the local football side.
因為想去看看Edward 以前在瑞士工作時的舊居, 可惜找來找去已不到那棟大廈了, 可已能拆了.
瑞士很注重單車人士的安全, 路上的右手邊畫成單車道的, 都特別油上紅色來使駕駛人士注意:
開去Rhine Falls (Schaffhausen):
The Rhine Falls (Rheinfall in German) are the largest plain waterfalls in Europe.[1]
The falls are located on the High Rhine between the municipalities of Neuhausen am Rheinfall and Laufen-Uhwiesen, near the town of Schaffhausen in northern Switzerland, between the cantons of Schaffhausen and Zürich. They are 150 m (450 ft) wide and 23 m (75 ft) high. In the winter months, the average water flow is 250 m³/s, while in the summer, the average water flow is 700 m³/s. The highest flow ever measured was 1,250 m³/s in 1965; and the lowest, 95 m³/s in 1921.
The falls cannot be climbed by fish, except by eels that are able to worm their way up over the rocks.
到了Rhine Falls , 原來這些水都是由Lake Constance 流下來的. 嘩! 好壯觀的大瀑布呀:
在售票處有海報講解渡航的路線, 我們當然挑了4 號 繞一圈航線:
買票後, 先船到對面個亭再轉不同號碼的渡船, 一上船就猛拍了, 拍到另一團已到了大瀑布.
到了個亭, 看到:
上了4號船, 一開船又猛拍:
船開到大瀑布啦, 水勢好勁呀! 可是拍出來的效果沒有在現場中宏偉, 加上好難拍照, 因為水花都淺到相機上:
到了瀑布中間那個島, 我們大概要爬3層樓左右去俯瞰這個水勢洶湧的大瀑布:
離開個島, 回頭看到另一團人已到並不斷向上爬去:
回到岸上, 看到一座古老教堂:
我們那天去, 他們正在維修, 以下突出的月台和右手山上的教堂都正在維修:
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