• Edward Wechner's patents

    My husband Edward Wechner's work - 2011 version.....

  • Chainless Biycle

    Edward 愛看Tour d' France, 每次看到看到那些賽手因為 jamming the chain, 而lose the race又或跌倒甚至傷得很重! 這是他自此而很大願望設計出一款比chain drive 鏈條單車更可reliability賴性, 更安全safety, without losing performance and without increasing the weight of the bicycle, but also inprove the efficiency...

  • Trench Casting Machine

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    早上起來, 車開出Zurich 市區, 再開去 Winterthur, Winterthur (pronounced: Ger. /ˈvɪntɐtu:ɐ̯ /, Eng. /ˈvɪntərtʊər/) is a city in the canton of Zurich in northern Switzerland. It has the country's sixth largest population with an estimate of more than 100,000 people. In the local dialect and by its inhabitants, ...

核能廠是什麼樣退休的nuclear power plant decommissioning

對於某網上傳媒在節目中講述有關核電廠運作的問題,  他們說當核電廠的牌照完結後, 必須用100-150年來清理核廠內一切輻射物.  這使我非常懷疑!   我立即去他微博詢問, 而他在第二日節目中, 仍堅持了這個答案!

我問他哪一個政府如此愚昧, 要用100-150年去清理核廠?  因為我心信這是很不cost effective(可知道你仍要付100-150年的牌照費的), 也不是一件friendly to envirioment 的事.  再講, 沒有一個民主政府可以獨裁如此的; 如果這個是事實,  104 nuclear power plants are operating in America ( number 1 in the world),  59 nuclear power plants are operating in France ( world number 2), 54 nuclear power plants are operating now in Japan ( number 3 in the world in the number of nuclear power plants, and one of the most earthquake prone places in the world!  這些數據會不會叫你心寒??


Generally speaking, nuclear plants were designed for a life of about 30 years. Newer plants are designed for a 40 to 60-year operating life.  即核電廠的壽命有限, 舊式設計的去到30年, 新式設計的就去到40至60年!  就要退休並且清拆 (當然, 所有power plant 包括coal & gas都一樣是有限年期的). 



  • Immediate Dismantling (or Early Site Release/'Decon' in the US): This option allows for the facility to be removed from regulatory control relatively soon after shutdown or termination of regulated activities. Usually, the final dismantling or decontamination activities begin within a few months or years, depending on the facility. Following removal from regulatory control, the site is then available for re-use.
  • Safe Enclosure (or 'Safestor'): This option postpones the final removal of controls for a longer period, usually in the order of 40 to 60 years. The facility is placed into a safe storage configuration until the eventual dismantling and decontamination activities occur.
  • Entombment (or 'Entomb'): This option entails placing the facility into a condition that will allow the remaining on-site radioactive material to remain on-site without the requirement of ever removing it totally. This option usually involves reducing the size of the area where the radioactive material is located and then encasing the facility in a long-lived structure such as concrete, that will last for a period of time to ensure the remaining radioactivity is no longer of concern.


1.  "Decon”  立即清拆:  當核電廠關閉後, 一切設備必須跟據政府控制的規定下於最快幾個月甚至幾年後移除, 使得該地域可重新再用.

2. "Safestor”  安全屏蔽/覆蓋: 此選項為, 可以延期在一段較長時間才清拆, 通常可長達40至60年,   而核電廠內的設備(包括一切有輻射的事物)必須放置在安全儲存的結構之內直至最終的拆除和清污的行動發生(當然, 牌照費要照收, 收到此地清理好為止).

3.  “Entomb” 埋葬:  此選項, 是你可以將所有輻射性材料和設備留在原地(可能是有特別原因是不能移除甚至永不能時).  此選項你可以將全部的反應爐(通常核能廠會有3或6個反應爐)的輻射材料和設備齊集一區(即將所有這些輻射材料設備的佔用地區縮小).   然後用混凝土結構來長封, 並且肯定這些輻射性長期下都不會毒害環境和人類的.  (此選項也可用於當你有多個 reactors 時, 其中一個要退休了, 此時便可將它埋葬, 比喻建成停車場, 那樣其他的 reactors 便可繼續使用了.


所以依以上3項來說, 如果我要將全個地區(即可能有兩至4個reactors 反應爐) 的核電廠清除!  最省又最快的方法, 是沒有理由不選 Decon 的.  除非你錢多, 又或核電廠有新的發展, 比喻你有更新的技術可改建核電廠為其他更高科技的發電廠, 那你便可以選 safestor 了,  延長牌照了.  當然這項選擇也要看監管的批准與否了.   最後的entomb 在上面已經說了, 除了建停車場的例子, 最好的例子就是切爾諾貝爾chernobyl 核電廠那副石棺了.


好了,  究竟核電廠退休後要用多少年清拆那些富輻射性的建築物?


1.  Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company

此核電廠由1972-1996, 共24年的運作.  關閉後, 只用了8年(由1997-2005時間)便全部清理, 且清理地而面3呎以下並合付嚴格清理的標準.

The nuclear power plant underwent a successful decommissioning from 1997-2005 with all plant structures removed to three feet below grade and the site restored to stringent clean-up standards.

用的是爆破技術,  在每 200,000工作小時下,   0人受傷 .

完成退休, 不到一半的政府規定的遺留輻射劑量限值

放射的清理顯著低於 10 millirem的目標

  • Zero lost time injuries from May 2002 through the end of decommissioning in October 2005. For every 200,000 hours worked, the decommissioning project had a Lost Time Incident Rate of .26 compared with a demolition industry rate of 3.6.
  • Completed decommissioning for less than half the NRC radiological dose limit;
  • Radiological cleanup of the site was significantly lower than the 10 millirem target;


2.  Connecticut Yankee (CY) nuclear power plant

此核電廠由1968-1996運作了28年, 關閉後, 只用了9年(由1998-2007時間)便全部清理, 且清理地而面3呎以下並合付嚴格清理的標準.

From 1968 until permanent shutdown in 1996, Connecticut Yankee operated a 619 megawatt pressurized water reactor at the Haddam Neck site. The nuclear power plant underwent a successful decommissioning from 1998-2007 with all plant structures removed to three feet below grade and the site restored to stringent clean-up standards.

CY chose immediate dismantlement (the DECON method) because it was the most practical and environmentally responsible option for the plant. Other considerations included the use of current plant employees who were trained and knowledgeable about the facility, prevention of long-term maintenance costs, and the availability of low-level waste disposal facilities. Significant decommissioning activities began at CY in May 1998, and were completed in November 2007 with NRC approval of the termination of the operating license on the plant area.

More than 40 U.S. research reactors have been safely and securely decommissioned as well as 10 U.S. commercial nuclear plants that have been or are being decommissioned.





We should not be scared of something just because we don't understand it!  當你愈疑惑, 就更加要找出真相. 

chernobyl disaster 切爾諾貝爾核電廠埋60萬人???


這幾天因為日本大地震11032011後, 又來了世紀大海嘯. 隨著還未夠, 核電廠受到地震和海嘯的影響, 做成停電, 聽說連後備供電系統也失靈.  故此中斷了制冷系統, 引發了核能廠洩輻射事故. 

於3月19日早上, 上網讀報:

烏克蘭60萬人埋切廠:一九八六年烏克蘭切爾諾貝爾核電廠爆炸後,六十萬名「義勇軍」協助前蘇聯政府清理善後。部分義勇軍只穿著一件二十公斤重的鉛衣,就走近充滿高濃度輻射環境,將核反應爐封閉起來,蓋上「石棺」,許多人因此受輻射污染死亡. 本港核專家教授胡仲豪表示,今次日本可能要動用過萬人去封四個反應堆,死傷難以估計。

同日, 上網讀明報:



當然60萬人, 不被輻射殺死, 都被踩死喇!!!!

60萬人埋切廠 還是死了200人? 星島日報究竟知不知道這兩次世紀大海嘯和最近中/日/海地的地震遇難人數加上來都未及60萬一半的數字!!! 明報的死了200人, 又是從那來的根據呢??? 那個專家說的3000人又是哪來的???? 我最終上了一整天的網找出了答案! 所以盡信報紙/專家, 不如自己英文學好點算了!

我參考了 World Nuclear Assoication 在2011年3月的最新更新資料如下:

Immediate impact of the Chernobyl accident下:

The next task was cleaning up the radioactivity at the site so that the remaining three reactors could be restarted, and the damaged reactor shielded more permanently. About 200,000 people ('liquidators') from all over the Soviet Union were involved in the recovery and clean-up during 1986 and 1987. They received high doses of radiation, averaging around 100 millisieverts. Some 20,000 of them received about 250 mSv and a few received 500 mSv. Later, the number of liquidators swelled to over 600,000 but most of these received only low radiation doses. The highest doses were received by about 1000 emergency workers and on-site personnel during the first day of the accident.

ref: http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/chernobyl/inf07.html

很明顯, 星島日報所指的60萬人就是這班 liquidators (清潔工)了.

在事故發生後, 在10天內仍未受控制並且釋放大量radioactive輻射能於空氣之中, 並且由風擴散並吹至去歐洲.   核能專家決定首要任務是要將火救熄, 當然首當其衝的是在渦輪屋頂上的6名救火員全部殉職,無一幸免.  

再下來的任務就是清理4號核反應爐建築物的所有輻射, 以使其他3個核反應爐可以繼續運作外, 也可使損壞的4號反應爐屏蔽得更長久. 1986-1987年間, 由蘇聯各地派來的清潔工多達20萬人,   他們平均每人接受到100 millisieverts (mSv) 的輻射(備註1), 當中2萬人受到250mSv, 也有些受到500mSv.  之後清潔工人數要由20萬增至60萬人, 可是這些人受到輻射量很低.  而受到最高輻射傷害的是第一日進入災場拯救的1000位緊急工作和現場工作的人員. (備註2)

為什麼需要那麼多人去參與, 那是為了使每個人暴露於輻射的現場愈短愈好, 為了保障生命, 所以每次每個人進入現場工作都有時限, 可能是5-10分鐘, 或久一點, 要視乎他們工作環境而定.  另外就是每個人都不容許在此工作日期太長, 所以要不停有新人來換替的.   這是為什麼出現60萬清潔工.  大家可從以下


1. Liquidators of Chernobyl


2. chernobyl disaster incident


事實, 60萬人不是小數目, 我什麼想 那個石棺都無法埋60萬人!!  另外我會期望一核能專家, 告知我chernobyl disaster 與今次福島核漏的異同(比如反應爐的設計, 地理環境, 事故應急設施等等)如果根本兩事故不能相比的, 你拿人家用3000人來建石棺來舉例, 又說今次福島4個反應爐要用1萬人了.   這個我要問你嗎? 如果這麼簡單, 萬2人我都計得準過你喇!!!! 

We should not be scared of something just because we don't understand it!  我們絕對不能因無知而去懼怕事情又或是先進的科技, 我們對今天新聞媒體的誇張和誤導, 我們更加要去追查一個可以解釋的真正答案.


備註1: 1 – 3 Sv (1000 – 3000 mSv): Mild to severe nausea, loss of appetite, infection; more severe bone marrow, lymph node, spleen damage; recovery probable, not assured.


  • Two Chernobyl plant workers died on the night of the accident, and a further 28 people died within a few weeks as a result of acute radiation poisoning.
  • UNSCEAR says that apart from increased thyroid cancers, "there is no evidence of a major public health impact attributable to radiation exposure 20 years after the accident."

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion

之前寫過一篇 Solar Power & Terrestrial Power:


今天寫一吓另一種Solar Power - Ocean Thermal Energy (海水熱量能源): 

仍未很有發展{或可以說要大量的資源投放, 因技術和環境局限(必須在Tropical areas - 海水溫度最少攝氏20度. with deep ocean waters near the coast)關係, 而發展緩慢的} 睇片先:



土豆也有得睇:   http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/h33uRudQGWQ/


Temperaturunterschiede_Ozeaneocean thermal4


下來要講發電廠的結構, 先看回用COAL來發電的發電廠,  就很容易了解海溫發電廠的結構的了, 因為同出一轍, 只是用的 working fluids 不一樣吧了.




用煤燒滾水(working fluids) 變成蒸氣, 蒸氣膨脹推動了turbine (渦輪)來發電. 蒸汽冷卻又變回水後, 循環再用.  - 當然煤燒完後就成了CO2排放在大氣之中了.


1. 物質會情現4種形態的, 如: 1.水(液態), 2.冰是水的固態, 3.蒸汽是水的氣態, 4.Water Plasma ( 水等離子 - 依我所讀的資料, 當水超高溫燒時, 它不單變成氣體, 還會成為flame火舌 a ball lightning-type effect, 這是plasma形態.)Water_plasma





2. 當水沸騰時, 成為蒸汽,這氣體的體積會比原未受熱的水的體積為大(這就成了膨脹了), 當這蒸氣受困於同一大小的液體空間. 就變成了高壓(it is because gasses can be compressed, but liquid and solids are incompressible)做成了力量, 做成可推動渦輪機來發電了.

Ocean Thermal Energy power plant- 海溫發電廠:

ocean thermal3ocean thermal1ocean thermal12


因為受到海溫的限制(海面溫度20-30度, 深海溫度要接近0度), 於是我們必須找出一種working fluids 可以於低溫20度燃燒下就可由液體evaporate成氣體,做成動力去推動了渦輪葉, 當散放動力後經較寬的渦輪出口放出, 成了較低壓氣體, 並且經condenser冷卻(cool down with the deep ocean water)後變回液體, 循環再用.   

於是我們找到了 Ammonia 氨( 高效傳輸, 易得又便宜, 但好毒好傷肺, 但flammable即易燃!).  Fluorinated carbons such as CFCs and HCFCs  ( 我不很清楚這些化學物質(用途是壓縮噴霧劑, 冷凍劑, 發泡劑之類, 我只知道這是早期用在製造冰箱上的冷凍劑.) 不毒不易燃, 可是傷地球臭氧層.    Hydrocarbons (如 propane) 也不錯用, 但是極之易燃, 比Ammonia更易燃.  因此, Ammonia 成為了 working fluids 最理想的選擇了.


最早期的冰箱是用 Ammonia 製造的, 可是太臭了, 又毒肺.  於是改用CFCs, 後來發現了地球臭氧層出現大洞是因為冰箱和冷氣機掉棄, 散發CFCs 而做成的.  冰箱才改用了HFC-134a / R-600a製冷劑.

歷史, 發展和效能:


S. No. Location Capacity (KW)        Year

Abidjan, Ivory coast



Hawaii, USA (Mini OTEC)

50 1979

Hawaii, USA

1000=1MW 1981

Republic of Nauru central pacific

100 1981

Tokunoshima, Japan

52 1982

Republic of Nauru central pacific




Hawaii, USA




Kalashakharapattnam, Tamil Nadu




Andhra Pradesh, India





一間fossil fuel power station, 可以持續生產 1-1.5GW (Giga Watt) 可是 one wind farm with 50 wind turbines would produces typically 100MW (Mega Watt) with an average output of probably only 20MW.

如此, 你看看上表, 你就知道了那是多麼大的分別了.  亦即, 到了最新的發展, 在 Hawaii, USA proposed 計劃達49MW(那也是要等看証明的). 就算可以, 那麼又要建多少個這樣的發電廠才能代替一間的fossil fuel power station現在可供給的電量呢???

Technologies: 現時成熟的技術是用 closed cycle system(就是我以上介紹的),  另外兩種技術: open cycle and hybrid, 根本不到位的, 就不提了.



